About Child Enterprises
The Child name has long been associated with the masonry trade going back six generations in Utah. This is a legacy that Child Enterprises is proud of. Child Enterprises specializes in all types of masonry work including commercial brick, block, terra cotta, and stone. Much of their focus is in the preservation and restoration of historic masonry buildings and during the last 30 years of business, they have sought out the best products, methods and procedures to successfully restore historic brick, stone, and terra cotta masonry. Child Enterprises are experts in all types of masonry patching, mortar repointing, and crack repair. They also excel in the area of brick, stone, and terra cotta replacement and installation, and many other types of repair work. Employees are certified and trained with the use of many specialty restoration products and techniques. Some of these include: Prosoco®, Sika®, Jahn®, Edison Coatings®, Dumond Chemicals®, Helifix®, Hilti®, St. Astier®, High Angle Technologies®, etc.
“Quality is our objective.” It is achieved by working in a safe and professional manner. Employees at Child Enterprises are trained in safety and performance. Child Enterprises is a member of the Utah Masonry Council and have a great working relationship with many General Contractors including Jacobsen Construction, Okland Construction, Layton Construction, Howa Construction, Broderick and Henderson, Big D Construction, R & O Construction, and many others.